Vitamin B12: why do you need it, where it contains, when to take

Vitamin B12: why do you need it, where it contains, when to take

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is vital for the nervous system and for creating DNA and RNA in every cell in your body, and also helps cells absorb proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the right amount. And despite the fact that vitamin B12 is needed by the body to optimize many processes – from mood to digestion – people sometimes have no idea about the signs and symptoms of its deficiency. Explain where you can get this vitamin and who is at risk when it comes to a critical deficiency.

Where does vitamin B12 contain

It is important to understand that B12 is not synthesized by animals or plants, and its content in certain products depends solely on how well the animal or plant stores this vitamin. Traditionally, animals do it better, so almost all sources of vitamin B12 are of animal origin.

To add B12 to your ration, first of all you should pay attention to calf liver, salmon, beef, lamb, scallops, shrimp, sardines and cod . If you are more interested in plants, choose algae (kelp or blue-green), brewer’s yeast, miso sauce and tofu . In the latter case, however, remember that their content of vitamin in any case is several times less than in animal products.

4 reasons why you need vitamin B12

Signs of vitamin B12 deficiency can be nervousness, depression, numbness in the legs and arms, heart palpitations, unmotivated fatigue, aggression or, on the contrary, apathy, problems with memory and concentration. Below are four reasons that mean that you are at risk.

You are a vegetarian or vegan.

The only way to get vitamin B12 in full is to eat meat. So if you avoid animal products, then without adequate supplements, B12 deficiency is guaranteed. There is no need to make a moral choice: you can continue to adhere to the principles of vegetarian nutrition, taking B12 in capsules or as part of an integrated product.

Your age is over 50 years old.

Age brings wisdom and freedom of action, but, unfortunately, age-related changes also reduce the body’s ability to absorb vitamin B12 from food. By the way, symptoms such as changes in memory and decreased concentration occur in older people precisely because of a B12 deficiency.

You drink alcohol regularly.

Regularly – does not mean every day and in unlimited quantities. Two glasses of wine after work as a Friday tradition is also considered. The point here is that our liver plays an important role in the storage of B12: so enjoy your get-togethers at the bar in a pleasant company, but always order a salmon burger or medium steak to avoid unpleasant consequences.

You have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Even if you constantly eat meat, if you are diagnosed with diabetes, you are likely to have a lack of vitamin B12. However, a low B12 level in the long term may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases associated with depression and anxiety disorders, as well as symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, autism, and mental illness. Bottom line: B12 deficiency can be devastating, but this can be easily avoided by taking supplements. Remember that it is almost impossible to overdo it with the amount of B12 – since it is a water-soluble vitamin, it is naturally excreted from the body if it exceeds the norm.

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