Categories: Drugs and medicines

The best hemorrhoids ointment

Hemorrhoids are a common disease that many people are embarrassed to talk about. However, it can cause a lot of inconvenience to a person. If you are faced with a similar problem, then do not despair. After all, there are many drugs that help with hemorrhoids. And hemorrhoids are among the most effective.

Hemorrhoids – what is it

First you need to remember what is hemorrhoids, and for what reason it develops. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins located in the anus. As a result, diseases of the veins begin to protrude beyond the mucous membrane of the anus, the surface of the rectum or the skin around the anus, forming hemorrhoids. These nodes may ache and bleed when you have a bowel movement or when sitting. Also, a patient with hemorrhoids can feel severe burning and itching in the anus.

By location, hemorrhoids are divided into external (external) and internal. In the first case, the nodes are formed on the skin around the anus and are visible upon visual inspection. In the second case, the disease affects the veins located at the very end of the rectum, and the visual hemorrhoids in such a case are not visible, except in the most neglected cases.

How to treat hemorrhoids

Treatment of complex hemorrhoids. However, it is preferable to use conservative methods, including diet, lifestyle changes, as well as drugs (external and internal). Surgical treatments are used only in cases where conservative treatment is ineffective.

One of the popular classes of drugs used in the conservative treatment of hemorrhoids are gels, creams and ointments. In pharmacies today you can buy a lot of ointments, gels and creams that have different therapeutic mechanisms. This class of drugs has a local effect, which means that the active substances are delivered directly to the zone of inflammation, thereby achieving their maximum effect.

Ointments, gels or creams – which is better?

Ointments, gels and creams are similar dosage forms, but have several differences, consisting in different chemical basis. The basis of the ointment is exclusively fatty substances – petroleum jelly and other oils, while gels and creams are made partially on a water basis. The medical effect of ointments is much higher than that of gels and creams, since they have a higher concentration and are better absorbed in the affected area. In the treatment of hemorrhoids is also preferable to use it ointment. However, in most cases, in the absence of a drug in the form of an ointment, you can successfully apply a cream or gel.

Ointments or suppositories?

Ointments are most effective for external hemorrhoids, that is, in the case when the hemorrhoids are located on the outside of the anus. In this case, they can be easily applied to a sore spot. With internal hemorrhoids, rectal suppositories are more convenient. However, the use of ointments is also possible. Only in such a case, they must be applied to the affected area with a special applicator or just a finger.

Rules for applying ointments

Before using the ointment, it is necessary to empty the intestines, rinse the anal area and wipe it with a soft cloth. Ointment should be applied with a thin layer. The usual frequency of use of ointment – 2-3 times a day, or after each bowel movement. However, the instructions or the doctor can set a different frequency of use. The course of treatment depends on the parameters of the drug, as well as the characteristics of the disease. Ointments containing hormones, you can use no more than a few days, and their cancellation should be carried out smoothly. When intolerance reactions occur, discontinue use of the drug immediately. Most ointments should be stored in the refrigerator, but this point should be clarified in the instructions.

Mechanisms of action of hemorrhoids ointments

By the principle of action, the components contained in hemorrhoid ointments can be divided into the following main categories:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory,
  • anti-inflammatory steroid
  • antibacterial,
  • hemostatic,
  • anticoagulants,
  • venotonic,
  • painkillers.

Not so much you can find drugs that would have in its composition only one component. As a rule, ointments have a complex composition that guarantees a comprehensive therapeutic effect. However, in most cases, the emphasis is on any one therapeutic property of the drug.

The choice of a particular drug – the prerogative of the doctor. It should be borne in mind that many drugs are contraindicated and prohibited for use in certain circumstances (pregnancy, child age, some associated diseases). So the drug should be selected not by trial and error, but taking into account the recommendations of the proctologist, who not only has considerable experience, but, moreover, unlike the patient, can visually examine the area affected by the pathological process, and, based on the picture diseases, develop an optimal treatment strategy.


There are no hemorrhoids ointments that have only one analgesic effect. If you need anesthesia for hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use rectal suppositories, such as Anestezol. However, very often the anesthetic components are included in anti-inflammatory or antibacterial ointments.

Ointments with analgesics are very popular. They are used in cases where the hemorrhoids are accompanied by a strong pain syndrome. As an anesthetic component in such ointments, lidocaine or benzocaine is commonly used. The simultaneous use of ointments with lidocaine and other drugs with lidocaine is not recommended in order to avoid overdose. Also, many plant extracts, ichthyol, have analgesic properties.

Hemostatic drugs

Hemorrhoids are often accompanied by severe bleeding that can lead to anemia. To prevent this, ointments with hemostatic components are used. However, as a rule, these components are combined with anti-inflammatory.


The family of drugs combined under this name contains shark liver oil as the main component. This natural component has a wound healing, hemostatic, and immunostimulating effect. In addition, the drug includes adrenergic phenylephrine, which is characterized by vasoconstrictor action.

Indications: inflammatory processes of the rectum, fissures in the anus, internal and external hemorrhoids.

Contraindications: thromboembolism, granulocytopenia, individual intolerance to the components. With caution, prescribe a drug for hypertension, hyperthyroidism, urination disorders, prostate adenoma, during pregnancy and lactation.

Application: For application to the inner surface of the anus, you must use the applicator attached to the tube with the drug. The frequency of use of the ointment – 4 times a day, the usual duration of therapy – a week. This period can be increased after consulting a doctor.


This type of medication is prescribed if there is a thrombus formation process in the veins that make up the hemorrhoids. Anticoagulants prevent the formation of blood clots and slow down blood clotting. These drugs can not be used in case of hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Heparin ointment

An affordable ointment with antithrombotic, vasodilator and analgesic effect. The main components are sodium heparin, benzocaine and benzyl nicotinate.

Indications: thrombophlebitis, chronic hemorrhoids in the acute stage.

Contraindications: open wounds, ulcers, low blood clotting, necrotic processes.

Application: ointment must be applied to the swab, and then enter it into the anus. Alternatively, the ointment can be applied to a fabric gasket, attach it to the inflamed knot and fix with a bandage. It is recommended to use the ointment 2-3 times a day, until the symptoms disappear, but not longer than within 10 days.


These drugs contain components that increase the venous tone, or more precisely, the tone of the muscle walls of the veins. As a result, the diameter of the veins is reduced, and hemorrhoids are reduced in size. Thus, preparations containing veno-tonic components can affect the immediate cause of the disease, and not its symptoms.


This drug is available as a gel, as well as in capsules. The main component is troxerutin flavonoid. It has a beneficial effect on the veins, protects them and increases their tone, helps to strengthen the venous walls, reduces fragility and permeability of capillaries. Also, when applied topically, troxerutin has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.

Indications: The drug is usually used for various diseases of the veins, such as thrombophlebitis, chronic venous insufficiency, periphlebitis. Also, the tool can be effectively used in the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids, especially if the nodes are large.

Contraindications: Troxevasin has few contraindications. First of all, it can not be used with open wounds and bleeding. In addition, a contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use: It is best to use the gel after an act of bowel movements, as well as before bedtime. For the application of the drug on the area of ​​inflammation is recommended to use cotton swabs.

Anti-inflammatory ointments

This is the most numerous group of medicines. It includes drugs containing either non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or hormone-based anti-inflammatory drugs – glucocorticosteroids (GCS). Anti-inflammatory ointments relieve symptoms of inflammation, reduce pain, burning and itching, promote the speedy healing of the mucous membrane and fissures in the anus.


An anti-inflammatory drug containing as its main component a synthetic compound from the class of hormones-corticosteroids – prednisone. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, prednisone stimulates the tone of the walls of blood vessels and reduces their permeability. It also contains lidocaine, which reduces pain, and provitamin B5, dexpanthenol, which stimulates tissue regeneration and regulates metabolism.

Indications: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, inflammation, eczema and dermatitis in the perianal region, fistula and itching in the anus.

Contraindications: inflammation accompanied by a bacterial or fungal infection, age up to one year, 1 trimester of pregnancy, breastfeeding. In the 2 and 3 trimesters of pregnancy, children older than one year, the drug is prescribed with caution.

Application: When inflammation of external hemorrhoids is necessary to apply a small amount of ointment (volume with pea) on them. Per day, 2-4 procedures should be done, the total duration of therapy should not exceed a week.


A complex anti-inflammatory ointment containing bufeksamak is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. The drug can be used in cases where the patient has contraindications to taking steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition to NSAIDs, bismuth subgallate, lidocaine and titanium oxide are included in the preparation. Titanium and bismuth compounds have a knitting and drying effect, and lidocaine – anesthetic.

Indications: hemorrhoids, fissures, anus, anal eczema, proctitis and other inflammatory processes in the rectum.

Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, childhood, syphilis, tuberculosis.

Application: Ointment can be used both in external pathological processes and in internal ones. In the first case, the ointment is applied directly to the area of ​​inflammation after the necessary hygienic procedures and bowel emptying. In the second case, it is necessary to use a special applicator that is inserted into the anus area. Ointment is recommended to use 1-2 times a day, and the duration of treatment is usually 8-10 days.

Antibacterial ointments

Often, hemorrhoids are accompanied by a bacterial infection caused by microorganisms that multiply on the surface of the anal mucosa, inside wounds and ulcers. To prevent this phenomenon, bactericidal or bacteriostatic drugs are used. A special kind of antibacterial drugs are ointments with immunomodulatory components. They contain particles of dead bacteria that stimulate local immune forces.


This ointment acts as a kind of vaccination against bacterial infection, allowing the tissues to intensively produce local immunity. The preparation contains inactivated bacterial cells. Due to bacterial antigens and metabolites, the activity of T-lymphocytes and phagocytes increases, which, in turn, reduces inflammation, accelerates tissue regeneration and wound healing.

Indications: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, itching, burning and eczema in the anal area.

Contraindications: The drug contains phenol as a preservative, therefore it cannot be used in case of hypersensitivity to this substance.

Application: It is recommended to apply a thin layer of ointment on the affected area twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. For applying ointment on the affected areas, located inside the anus, it is recommended to use the applicator attached to the preparation. Duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks.


This ointment is recommended to apply in cases when hemorrhoids are complicated by a bacterial infection, or to prevent its appearance. The drug contains chloramphenicol (better known under the trade name Levomycetin) – a broad-spectrum antibiotic. In addition, the ointment contains another important element – methyluracil, a substance that promotes tissue regeneration.

Indications: wounds, including, purulent and with mixed microflora, hemorrhoids, including in advanced forms.

Contraindications: eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections.

Application: Before you apply ointment to the affected area, the anal area is washed with warm water and dried with a towel. It is best to carry out the procedure for applying ointment at bedtime. The recommended duration of treatment is 10 days. If you need to use the ointment for a longer time, you should consult with your doctor.

Vishnevsky ointment

Ointment, or Vishnevsky’s liniment, is considered modern medicine to be somewhat outdated. Nevertheless, this inexpensive and effective ointment is still very popular, largely due to the small number of contraindications. The composition of the ointment includes birch tar, bismuth compound – xeroform and castor oil. The ointment has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent and wound-healing properties.

Indications: The range of application of the ointment is quite wide. It is used not only for the treatment of hemorrhoids, but also in the treatment of abscesses, boils, ulcers, phlegmon, bedsores, burns.

Contraindications and side effects: ointment is not recommended for patients with impaired renal function. Prolonged use of the ointment may cause skin irritation.

Application: Before using the ointment, you must undergo a preparatory procedure, which consists in lotions to the hemorrhoids of gauze soaked in potassium permanganate. It must be applied to the affected area three times a day for three days. Only after direct application of the Vishnevsky ointment itself is allowed. It also needs to be applied to gauze and applied to inflamed external nodes, fixing a bandage. Moreover, every 12 hours you need to change the gauze with ointment. The treatment course lasts 2 days. Or you can apply to the affected area compresses of gauze soaked in liniment. The duration of this variant of the procedure is 2 hours, it must be done 3 times a day.

Complex drugs

The preparations of this type, as a rule, contain components of natural (plant, animal or mineral) origin. Most of these drugs are due to the emergence of traditional medicine. Many of these funds are not inferior in their effectiveness to drugs recommended by official medicine.


The drug, created several centuries ago by folk healers. It contains components that are popular in Chinese medicine – musk, pearl, amber, borneol and zinc carbonate. All components enhance the action of each other, creating a cumulative therapeutic effect. The ointment has astringent, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and hemostatic effect.

Indications: Hemorrhoids, insect bites, burns.

Contraindications: high sensitivity to components. During pregnancy, apply after a doctor’s prescription.

Use: Apply the ointment onto a sterile cloth and apply to the affected area. The frequency of use of the ointment is 2 times a day, the recommended duration of treatment is 2 weeks.

Fleming Ointment

This ointment is an excellent choice for those who prefer herbal preparations. The ointment contains extracts of calendula, witch hazel, horse chestnut, as well as menthol and zinc oxide. Thanks to these components, the drug provides an anesthetic, venotonic, skin softening and anti-inflammatory effect.

Indications: external hemorrhoids without complications, allergic dermatitis.

Contraindications: age up to 2 years, component intolerance.

Application: should be applied to the affected area 3 times a day with a cotton swab. The duration of the treatment course is a week.

Most popular hemorrhoids ointments, gels and creams

Name Actives Principle
Aurobin Dexpanthenol, Prednisone, Lidocaine Analgesic, wound healing agent, GCS
Brushless Musk, pearls, bezoar, amber, zinc carbonate Antiseptic, astringent and decongestant, analgesic
Heparin ointment Heparin, benzocaine, benzyl nicotinate Anticoagulant, analgesic
Heparoid Zentiva Heparinoid Anticoagulant
Gepatrombin G heparin, prednisone Anticoagulant, GCS
Ihtiol Ointment Ihtammol NSAIDs, analgesic
Levomekol Chloramphenicol, methyluracil Antibiotic, wound healing agent
Vishnevsky ointment Birch tar, xeroform, castor oil Antiseptic, wound healing
Fleming Ointment Calendula, Witch Hazel, Horse Chestnut, Menthol, Zinc Oxide Analgesic, venotonic, NSAIDs, emollient
Posterized Inactivated E. Coli cells Antibacterial, immunomodulatory
Procto-Glevenol Tribenoside, lidocaine Analgesic Venotonic
Proktozan Bufeksamak, lidocaine, titanium dioxide, bismuth subgallate NSAIDs, astringent, analgesic
ProktoSedin Hydrocortisone, framycetin, heparin, benzocaine, butambene Analgesic, antibiotic, anticoagulant, GCS
Relief Shark liver oil, phenylephrine Hemostatic, vasoconstrictor, wound-healing
Relief Advance Shark liver oil, benzocaine Hemostatic, wound healing, analgesic
Troxevasin Troxerutin Venotonic
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