Spasmalgon: instructions for use

Spasmalgon: instructions for use

Spasmalgon is a popular drug that is often used for various ailments. It is most effective in pain, especially caused by cramps, and associated inflammation. Like all drugs, Spasmalgon has a number of contraindications and side effects.

Description of Spasmalgon

Spasmalgon is a complex preparation consisting of three main components:

  • metamizole sodium,
  • pitofenon,
  • fenpiverinium bromide.

Accordingly, the effect of the drug is also complex. Spasmalgon has the following types of effects:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • painkiller,
  • antipyretic
  • antispasmodic.

Spasmalgon has a high rate of action. The effect of it becomes noticeable 20-25 minutes after taking the pills and 7-10 minutes after the injection. Each component is responsible for its own set of therapeutic effects. Let us examine separately what the purpose of each substance is.

Metamizole Sodium

Metamizole sodium is a derivative of pyrazolone. According to pharmacological properties, it can be classified as a non-steroid type of anti-inflammatory drugs. It has the ability to inhibit the activity of inflammatory mediators, primarily prostaglandins. This substance reduces inflammation, pain and lowers the temperature. It also has its own moderate antispasmodic effect, primarily in relation to the smooth muscles of the urinary tract and biliary tract.

Pitofenon and fenpiverinium bromide

The other two components are strong antispasmodics, that is, substances that can relieve muscle spasms. They act exclusively on smooth muscles and do not affect the heart and skeletal muscles.

Fenpiverinium bromide is an M-holinoblokator. In its action, it is close to atropine and contributes to the relaxation of smooth muscles. Due to this effect, it can reduce the motility of organs such as the stomach and intestines, bile ducts and ureter. Pitofenon has a similar effect. However, it has a direct myotropic effect on the smooth muscles of various internal organs and vessels. Its antispasmodic mechanism is similar to that possessed by alkaloids such as papaverine or drotaverin. However, Pitofenone is usually used only in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Release form

Spasmalgon has two dosage forms – these are tablets and injection solution.

The number of active ingredients in each tablet:

  • metamizole sodium – 500 mg,
  • pitofenon – 5 mg,
  • fenpiverinium bromide – 100 µg.

Also included in the tablets:

  • starch,
  • gelatin,
  • lactose monohydrate,
  • magnesium stearate.

The solution is available in 5 and 2 ml ampoules.

The composition of the solution:

Substance Volume 2 ml Volume 5 ml
Metamizole Sodium 1 g 2.5 g
Pitofenon 4 mg 10 mg
Feniverive bromide 40 µg 100 µg

Spasmalgon is produced by the Bulgarian pharmaceutical company Balkanpharma, sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Among the structural analogues of the drug Spazmalin, Spasgan, Revalgin, Brahl, Maksigan can be noted.


Spasmalgon, as can be inferred from its name, is a drug whose main purpose is to relieve spasms. Perhaps not everyone knows, but the various pains that we feel are usually the result of spasms – it does not matter whether it is spasms of the vessels or muscles of the internal organs. As a rule, spasmalgon is used for pains of relatively small or moderate degrees of strength.

So, with what diseases or symptoms can Spasmalgon help? This is:

  • Algomenorrhea;
  • adnexitis;
  • stomach, kidney, intestinal colic;
  • bronchial spasms;
  • headaches;
  • sciatica;
  • myalgia;
  • neuralgia;
  • toothache;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • urolithiasis and gallstone disease;
  • migraine (initial stage);
  • Cystitis.

Spasmalgon can also be used as an adjunct to reduce pain during surgery. Another area of ​​potential use for Spasmalgone is the reduction of high temperature in infectious and inflammatory diseases.


Unfortunately, Spasmalgon has a fairly large number of contraindications and has a long list of medicinal incompatibilities. This is largely due to the complex composition of the drug. Each of the components of the Spasmalgona adds something different to the list of contraindications.

So, in what cases it is not recommended to take Spasmalgon:

  • renal and liver failure;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • first and third trimester of pregnancy;
  • atrioventricular block 2 and 3 tbsp .;
  • 6 years old;
  • decreased blood formation
  • angina;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • tachycardia;
  • megacolon;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • prostatic hyperplasia complicated by urinary retention;
  • breastfeeding;
  • Hypersensitivity to pyrazolone derivatives (such as Butadione or Tribusone).

Care should be taken spasmalgon patients with a tendency to hypotension, bronchospasm, renal dysfunction and liver.

Use during pregnancy

Doctors do not recommend using this drug during pregnancy, because it easily penetrates the placental barrier. In the beginning of pregnancy, when receiving the funds increased the risk of developmental abnormalities in the fetus. And in the third trimester there is a risk of damage to the internal organs of the unborn child. In the second trimester of pregnancy, taking the drug is possible, but only after consulting with a doctor and under his control.

Spasmalgon Interaction with Other Drugs

The simultaneous use of the drug with other NSAIDs increases its toxic effect. The same can be said about TCA, hormonal estrogen-containing contraceptives. Barbiturates reduce the effectiveness of metamizol, sedatives and tranquilizers enhance the analgesic effect of the drug. Histamine H2 receptor blockers enhance the anticholinergic effect of the drug. Codeine also enhances the effect of the remedy. It is not recommended to use Spazmalgon together with alcohol.

Side Effects

Most often, side effects develop after injection.

Side effects when taking Spazmalgona can be divided into the following categories, depending on the systems of the body to which they belong:

  • cardiovascular system,
  • nervous system,
  • digestive organs,
  • urination organs,
  • hematopoietic organs.

Since the drug contains an anticholinergics (metamizole sodium), it may be typical for this class of drugs such as dry mouth, decreased sweating and salivation, urinary problems (urinary retention or a small amount of urine). blurred vision.

Also for receiving spasmalgone may be characteristic:

  • burning sensation in the epigastric region;
  • heartburn;
  • aggravation of ulcers, gastritis, enterocolitis;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • tachycardia;
  • reduced pressure;
  • pulse change;
  • blue nasolabial triangle;
  • shortness of breath;
  • red staining of urine;
  • changes in the composition of the blood (agranulocytosis, decreased platelet and leukocyte counts).

Allergic reactions are also not excluded: urticaria, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock , angioedema.

With an injection, there may be a burning sensation at the injection site, a hematoma.

Due to the possible development of side effects during drug treatment, it is not recommended to drive vehicles, control complex mechanisms or engage in activities requiring a high reaction rate.

Spasmalgon Application

Dosage depends on the age of the patient and the type of disease. If we are talking about adult patients or adolescents over 15, then, as a rule, the recommended regimen is 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Only a doctor can prescribe a large dose. The maximum daily dose is 6 tablets. The duration of treatment also depends on the disease, but in any case, Spasmalgon should not be taken for more than 5 days.

Children under 15 years of age are usually given lower doses than adults. The dosage depends on the age of the child. In addition, the drug in tablets can be given to children only after the recommendation of a doctor. Dosage regimen of spasmalgone tablets for children:

Age of child, years Single dose, tablets Maximum daily dosage, tablets
6-8 0.5 2
9-12 0.75 4
13-15 1 6

Children can take pills no more than 2-3 times a day. Duration of treatment in children is 3 days.

Spasmalgone tablets should be swallowed, washed down with enough water. It is better to use warm water for this purpose, rather than cold water, since warm water improves the absorption of the drug into the blood.

When is the best time to take the drug – before meals or after? Experts say that it is best to take the drug after eating.

Solution Application

The solution is injected intramuscularly. This method is preferred, although intravenous is also possible. Dosage for adults, 2-3 times a day in a volume of 2-5 ml, the maximum daily dose is 10 ml. The duration of the course of treatment depends on how severe the symptoms are. However, if after 1-2 days of application of the Spasmalgone there was no improvement, it means that it is necessary to stop its use and consult a doctor. If the injections have a good or satisfactory effect, then at the first opportunity you should switch to taking pills.

Special instructions when using Spasmalgon

Do not immediately enter the solution stored in the refrigerator. It should be at room temperature, so it is recommended to warm it in hands before use.

It is not allowed to use Spasmalgon for acute abdominal pain, until the exact determination of their spastic nature. The fact is that such pains can be a symptom of the development of an acute infectious pathology, which requires immediate hospitalization, such as appendicitis, for example.

The solution with a volume of more than 2 ml should be injected carefully, in order to avoid a sharp drop in pressure.

When administered intramuscularly, it is not recommended to mix the Spasmalgone solution with other drugs because of the high risk of mutual incompatibility.

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